Sunday, December 11, 2005


I have heard about other people's stashes. I have seen some pretty impressive stashes. And until now, I have resisted creating my own. Today, however, I went to the Quiltmaker's (LQS) going out of business sale. Prices were drastically reduced: $6 CDN/meter (more than a yard) or $5/meter if you finished off a bolt. I bought about 10 meters of fabric. I know, I know -- big deal 10 meters. But for me, it's a big deal! I don't have anything planned for it so it was just buying fabric for fabric's sake.
I am still quite conservative in my colour tastes so almost everything I bought was burgundy purplish small prints or designs. I also bought some thick pink thread for the crazy-quilt chuppah I'm making. And some variegated gold-brown thread for quilting my "red onion" quilt (which is actually black, gold, brown, reddish brown). And some black and white fabric for my "housecoat" baby carriage quilts.
The sale is on until Tuesday at those prices and then Wednesday, the sale's final day, is "make me an offer" day. I may just go back and see if there's anything left to buy at ridiculous prices. If I can buy really cheap, I may go a little wild in my colour choices buying stuff I would never buy otherwise.
You only live once.
We also stopped by at my mom's to visit and I raided her button supply and relieved her of all and any mother of pearl buttons.
I really must bite the bullet and make the first cuts for the cq chuppah. I am always so reluctant before I make my first cut. After that, I usually get going and work non-stop til I'm done.
And I want to use the weekend and December holiday days off to make serious progress in all three planned projects.
I guess I lied yesterday when I said I would post pictures. But soon, I promise!

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About Me

I am in my mid 50's, have been married (happily) for 38 years, have 3 adult children who live an ocean away... By day I am a legal secretary. The rest of the time I play with fabric but I still won't run with scissors...